The problem of plastic waste has been discussed for a long time. Over the 60 years of its existence mankind has produced 8.3 billion tons of plastic, most of which are disposable products that ended up in landfills. A small part of this waste can be disposed of through recycling, but 90.5% of the plastic remains in landfills, and toxic waste, when it decomposes, poison the air and soil.
From getting stuck in nets to eating plastic that they think is food, creatures worldwide are dying from this material created by mankind. In 2019 European Parliament approved a new law banning single-use plastic items such as plates, cutlery, straws and cotton buds sticks by the year 2021.
Eight states in the United States - California, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Maine, New York, Oregon and Vermont—have banned single-use plastic bags. The ban of single-use plastic straws has become effective in UK on October 1st, 2020. We cannot stand aside of this global plastic banning mission so we decided to join the save-our-planet-Earth movement and create the eco replacement for the plastic straws.
GO STRAW™ is a family owned business that was started in 2005 in Odessa, Ukraine. Our company has for 15 years provided the European market with quality thatching water reed that comply with the strict EU quality nature requirements.
We have been producing high-quality natural reed, highly appreciated by our partners and customers in Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands. They use our reed in producing Reed thatching coatings for the house roofs which are very popular in Northern European countries.
Each year we have been harvesting the natural reed plants in UNESCO protected and environmentally sustainable controlled reed nature area - Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve.
This annual natural reed harvesting we carry out not only for economic reasons, but also for ecological reasons – we are responsible for keeping the eco-system of these areas functioning. One person is not enough to change the world and make it a better place, but by making even a small step towards planet preservation we can be very effective.